Weekend plans: Back2Bellingham at WWU

Back2Bellingham Image

image via Back2Bellingham

If you don’t have kids who are racing in the Junior Ski to Sea race this weekend, put Back2Bellingham on your calendar!

Oddly enough, despite not being Western alumni, I’d heard about this event when we lived in Seattle. There was a huge billboard near our home and I giggled every time I drove by it, imaging all of these people flocking to Bellingham for the weekend. I didn’t realize that it was a WWU event at the time… I just thought it was some awesome marketing for all of the Bellingham kids, turned Seattlites, begging them to make the inevitable trek back home. (Likely sponsored by all of their mothers.)

Back2Bellingham, which is this weekend, May 16-18, 2014, is actually an alumni reunion weekend at Western. However, you don’t have to be an alum to attend… they won’t quiz you on your Western knowledge to gain entrance. I promise.

We’ll be attending on Saturday to check out all of the super fun kid-friendly events (bouncy houses! zip line through campus! food! music! stuff that will wear our kids out so that they’ll go to bed early!), despite not being alumni ourselves. We do have a close tie to the university and look forward to exploring what’s sure to be a cool community event.

You can read more about Back2Bellingham on their website.
There is a full list dedicated to all of the kid-friendly events as well.

Tickets are required and can be purchased in advance online. Click the big green REGISTER NOW button. Adults are $13 each and kids are FREE. (hooray!)

Remember to check out our favorite spots to visit on the Western Washington University Campus on the Bellingham Bucket List. We’ll be sure to do a full post about Back2Bellingham weekend next week, so that you can add it to your own Bellingham to-do list for next year!

Have you been to Back2Bellingham weekend at WWU? Tell us about it!
Are you going this year?

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